Juice cleanse Menu

Juice Cleanse (1 & 3 Day)
Step 1:
Read & Sign the Juice Cleanse Order Form Below. You can email your completed order form/waiver to info@yogabodyshop.com or drop off the completed form to Yoga Body Shop at
765 Harry L. Drive, Johnson City.
Please call 607-677-0490 with any questions you may have regarding your cleanse. We are here to help!
Step 2:
Prepayment is due at the time of your order. Call to pre-pay and confirm your order.
Option 1:
Monday: 8am–7:30pm
Tuesday: 8am–7:45pm
Wednesday: 8am–7:45pm
Thursday: 8am–7:45pm
Friday: 8am–5:30pm
Saturday-Sunday: 8am-11:00am
1 & 3 Day Juice Cleanse Includes:

• 6 juices including 1 dessert provided for each day. |
• 1-Day Cleanse $55 |
• 3-Day Cleanse $145 |
• Yearly and 6 month members get 15% off! |
Juices that will be provided
Celery + Lemon
Mid Morning
Carrot + Pineapple + Ginger
Apple + Pineapple + Spinach + Kale
Apple + Pear + Spinach + Cucumber + Lemon
Beet + Carrot + Apple + Lemon + Ginger
Coconut Milk + Cinnamon + Dates + Almonds + Vanilla Extract Note: Dessert must be consumed at least 3 hours before bedtime to ensure digestion.
What you should know
A couple days prior to your juice cleanse program starting, it is a good idea to start eliminating things in your diet like coffee, alcohol, dairy, red meat, and bread products.
Every morning before you start your day of juice, start off with a warm glass of lemon water or decaffeinated green tea. Then when your body needs something more, begin with your juices for the day.
What if I need to eat?
When on the cleanse it is better to stick to just the juices but if you are active or just really hungry, that is ok! The best foods to consume are raw veggies and fruits or half an avocado, a baked sweet potato or bone broth based soups.
After the Cleanse!
Your body just worked very hard to rest the digestive tract. Be sure to ease back into its natural function by introducing gentle foods first, such as soups, salads, veggies, and light proteins like beans and fish. Introduce heavier foods back into your diet one at a time.