the latest at yoga body shop
In Studio & Online Classes Available
Online Classes will still be available until further notice.
It’s been a tough going but we persevered, and we are back to serve you—our community!
To view class schedule and sign up online go to:
Online Classes will still be available until further notice.
How does it work?
Step 1: Create an account on Yoga Body Shop website (if you don’t already have one) and sign up for a class online at least 30 minutes before class begins.
Step 2: Download ZOOM on your phone, tablet, or computer and create a free account
Step 3: You will receive an email with the ZOOM link to join before class begins from kendal@yogabodyshop.com. If you do not receive an email link, please call Yoga Body Shop at 607-677-0490.
Please note: upon joining the zoom meeting, you will be entered into a “waiting room” until a staff member admits you into the class. Please plan to join the meeting prior to the scheduled class time to ensure entry.
How to Prepare?
- Arrive online 5–10 minutes early
- Set your device 4 feet away from the top of your mat
- Have your mat, block, and water with you
- Set up in a location with no distractions and noise. This is your time!
- If you have issues accessing your class, email kendal@yogabodyshop.com or call 607-677-0490.
Your Safety Matters
Please know that your safety and the safety of our teachers is priority! We have always kept our studio exceptionally clean and we will be using cleaning products approved and recommended by New York State. Both studio rooms have state of the art heating and cooling systems which have germ killing ultra-violet lights in the duct work and have circulated fresh air piped in from outside the building and blown into the yoga rooms. The large yoga rooms, with high ceilings, allow for adequate room and spacing for social distancing. Additionally, each room has a door to the outside which will be used to circulate more fresh air into the rooms between classes. Hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes will be provided throughout the studio.
We will continue providing online classes at the same time as the in-person classes to help ease transition.