New Yoga Body Shop Students
New Students
Tips & Etquette
Tips & Etiquette
We are a shoe free zone. Please remember to remove your shoes and place them in the designated area. Bring a water bottle, yoga mat, and a mat sized towel & hand towel — If you don’t have a mat, towel or you forget your water bottle, we sell or rent these items at the front check-in counter.
Bring a water bottle and stay hydrated. We have a filtered water cooler for your convenience. We recommend bringing an electrolyte replenisher to add to your water like Ultima or Gatorade. Electrolytes help with muscle function, as well as the maintenance of fluid balance and your body’s pH.
Give yourself time to sign in, set up and relax before class starts. If you do happen to be running late, please set yourself up quietly as not to disrupt class.
Your yoga practice requires your complete attention with no distractions. Unplug, unwind and enjoy your practice. If it’s an absolute emergency, please be sure to tell your teacher before class starts.
The hottest spots in the yoga room(s) are against the back and side walls. Don’t forget to grab a yoga block(s) prior to your yoga practice. Yoga blocks will help you modify poses as needed.
Please be sure to line up your mat with the blue tape on the floor. Be aware that people may be coming in late so please try to make room for them just in case.
Please be courteous and wipe up your sweat puddles around your mat at the end of your practice. Bring an extra towel or two if needed. For your convenience we provide disinfectant wipes to wipe down your yoga mat and studio yoga blocks. Please be sure to put away and neatly stack your yoga block(s) back in the closet.
Please refrain from wearing any strong perfumes or colognes during practice. Some people are sensitive and/or allergic to fragrances (perfumes, colognes, body sprays, etc) and find it difficult to breathe around them. Please notice when your hot yoga towel or yoga clothes need to be retired because they harbor odor.
This is the pose where the practice all comes together. Let it be a reward for all of the great work you’ve done. If you cannot stay for relaxation/savasana, please leave quietly and quickly before relaxation begins, not during. Please do not disturb those around you.
This way we’ll know what modifications to give you to make your practice more accessible.
This way we’ll know what modifications to give you to make your practice more accessible.