—Baron Baptiste, Founder of Baptiste Power Yoga
This has been a year of boundaries. Living through the pandemic has redefined “comfortable” discomfort. Words written by Baron Baptiste, founder of Baptiste Power Yoga, nearly 20 years ago still have such relevance in the challenges and opportunities encountered today. As society transitions from this period of history, take the moment to ask yourself “What is your edge? Where do your fears, doubts and uncomfortable emotions thrive?”.
Finding your edge in yoga requires care, attention, and a good amount of self-study.
When you learn to recognize the difference between a pain that can cause injury, and the discomfort that will encourage a breakthrough, you will find your edge in your yoga practice. You will begin breaking down the layers of resistance and tension that habitual patterns of movement and thought have created over a long period of time, transforming your physical body. At Yoga Body Shop, we also believe you will find a correlation to this effort in your life off the mat.
Finding your edge in life requires the same care, attention and self-study required of your yoga practice. Learning to recognize the self-imposed limitations keeping you in your comfort zone can be invaluable. This recognition may be uncomfortable but will empower you to create growth in your both your personal and professional live, finding a new edge that is beyond what you thought you could achieve.
Breakthroughs—physical, mental, or emotional—in life and yoga happen when you are willing to challenge what you already know. Stop creating limitations for yourself by choosing to remain in your comfort zone. Stop allowing old thoughts and beliefs—often so old and persistent that you often aren’t aware of them—to hold you back from reaching your potential.
It is time to push past your comfort zone. It is time to stretch past your self-imposed boundaries. It is time for GROWTH.
Yoga Body Shop is a Baptiste Affiliate Studio, proudly engaging the Eight Universal Principles of Stepping Up to the Edge from Journey Into Power by Baron Baptiste. We believe that the fundamental purpose of Baptiste Power Yoga is to awaken and empower you to live fully. The Yoga Body Shop community invites you to embrace this moment…this challenge…this opportunity… by joining us in an upcoming class.
Come to your edge, at Yoga Body Shop, we believe you will fly.